I'm kinda lazy so photos from day 6,7 and 8 (today) shall be posted at night or something.
Off for more yumcha-ing and shopping. Oh, I'm watching my cousin's band concert at around 7 so I hope I'll be back soon :p not much pics, anyway. Just loads of food haha.
Here are two baking blogs I've stumbled upon:
bakerella.blogspot and her famous cupcake pops that landed her a spot on the martha stewart show!
..and here's a cupcake cartoonist!
THIS is real cute. Its like a thankyou gift for bakerella (click link to read story)
I followed my grandma, aunt and mom to a temple to bai my gong gong (my grandma used to be a buddhist) in the morning.
We went back to tsuenwan and had...
Lunch at a restaurant called 上海婆婆 at citywalk:
I wrote down the list of food we ordered. Quite worth it ^_^
first dish
I realised its not in my list o_O
5th on list
4th on list
2nd on list - 高力香蕉豆沙
MY FAVOURITE. the 口感 is very unique!
VERY VERY GOOD STUFF. bananas and redbean as filling ^_^
Then I went to my cousin's house to practise some piano pieces and camwhored with her notebook lol.
Dinner at a Japanese Restaurant called 百人一朱:
what a long table for 6 people!!
when all the dishes have arrived (they took away the clams though)
(we didn't sit here i think this can fit like 10 people o_O)
Janel: Hey thanks for the card, its llike a yearly thing from you which is so sweet

{HEY JANEL! :D you're welcome, and its been a really long time! YES I WANNA MEET UP WITH YOU TOO! ;D shall tell you when I'm coming back I'm mostly free anyway haha :] TAKECARE AND MERRY CHRISTMAS IN ADVANCE! seeyou!}
ken: walao i swear i wna go hk!!!! all these interesting places!!! only go with locals then can experience lol (think geog) LOL
{HAHA YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MARKET!! and omg makes me sound like those locals living in some tropical rainforest leh -__- and you can't trick me thanks ^_^}
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